You Know You’re in Idaho When…

You know you’re in Idaho when…

This general conversation recently appeared on a local FB buy/sell group:

Post: “ISO Guy Buying Coyotes: There was a flyer going around of a fella buying coyotes.  Trying to find his number.”  The post is accompanied by a photo of three dead coyotes strapped across the back of a snowmobile.

First Reply: Responder tags someone else and asks, “You still lookin’ for hides?”

Second Reply: Responder tags someone else and asks, “You still got pic of flyer?”

Third Reply: “There’s a place on the road out to the reservoir,” accompanied by a photo of said establishment’s sign.

Reply to Third Reply: “$20 seems low.”

Third Replyer Replies: “They’re only paying $60 for stretched and fleshed ones.  I just leave them lay this year.”

Fourth Replyer: “It’s not hard to do yourself.”

Third Replyer Replies: “I used to do it a lot, but it just kills my back and my shop went down [under this winter’s snow load], so no place to do it anymore.”

Fifth Reply: “Call [names the store.  The guy’s number is on the wall going out to the dog food area.”

Not a single cry of offense or fear of irreparable emotional scarring of children everywhere should they catch a glimpse of the post or – worse still – pass the snowmobile laden with its “cargo of death.”

Not a single whine of outrage over the killing of an “innocent animal.”

Not a single protest over the “barbaric sport” of hunting or trapping.

Not the first whimper over the “immoral” use of animal skins and fur.

Yup…you know you are “here” and no longer “there.”  Just sayin’…

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