About the Blogger

It has oft been said that a picture is worth a thousand words, and maybe that’s true on some level. More importantly to my mind, however, is the truth that a thousand words can paint a picture, especially for me as a blind person. In accordance with this philosophy, you have stumbled across a “words-only-no-photos-allowed” blog. In this era of ADHD graphical meme and YouTube video consumption, there is no doubt that this will coax – blast? – most of you out of your social media comfort zones, but that’s okay. Many years ago while serving as a member of the missions committee of my local church, I was pulled aside by one of the associate pastors after a particularly animated meeting and lovingly and diplomatically informed that I was “confrontational.” Uhm, ya’ think?

Funny story along the same lines… My husband and I married when we were both 38. Despite our well-established adulthood, my amazing husband-to-be actually asked my father for his permission to marry me. One would think that Daddy would be motivated to get his 38-year-old-never-married daughter married off, but apparently such was not the case. My father actually looked my pre-husband in the eye and asked him, “Are you sure you know what you’re getting yourself into?” (I kid you not). Brief aside to my brief aside, it’s been almost 19 years since we said “I do,” and there’s no doubt that my Beloved still asks himself the very same question every single day. Thankfully, he’s still along for the “E-ticket” ride (and if you got that reference, then you’re showing your age. LOL)

I’d like to think in the ensuing decades that I’ve become more polished in my approach…more articulate…more nuanced. And yet, at the same time, I also think I’ve become more radical…more disruptive…more, well, confrontational – at least on the issues that really matter to me. Never terribly concerned about what others thought of me, I find myself  even less concerned with each passing year. Hard to say for sure. At any rate, consider this to be a “heads up.” Don’t come whining to me when you get your feelings hurt. You’ve been warned. – MC

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